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Hello! I’m Jo

I’m here to help you get unstuck and reconnect with your inner

wisdom, so you can own your power!

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I have found food freedom. Currently, I do not worry about losing control over food. Nor do I feel such a strong pull towards sweets and treats.


It wasn’t always this way though.


I have spent a lifetime obsessing about what I ate.

Overeating… restricting… binging…


I would eat in secret.

I would hide food.

I waited until others went to bed so I could quietly raid the fridge.

I ate in my car so others wouldn’t see what I was eating.

I felt guilt and I felt shame.


Regardless of how horrible my behaviors made me feel, I couldn’t give up my dependency on food.


Food soothed my pain. My heartache. My stress. My anger.


This definitely was NOT the life I wanted for myself.

My Story

Childhood-Young Adult

My childhood was filled with glorious “goodies” such as pop tarts, ice cream, and potato chips galore. I was free to eat however much I wanted, whenever I wanted. So good eating habits were never on the table - pun intended...


By the time I hit my teens, I never felt good about my body. I developed a poor body-image and the restriction / binge eating cycle began.

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I kept gaining weight well into my early twenties. However, after graduating college and moving out on my own, I was now in full

control of buying my own food and I decided to improve my health.


So, what did I do?

I counted calories…. that’s it…. Calories In, Calories Out.

I religiously logged those calories.

Yup – even logged calories from my chewing gum!

And I worked out very regularly. At least 6 days a week.


Sounds like a good strategy, right?

Sure. I lost weight. Enough to get down to what

I had considered my ideal weight.


I felt great! I felt sexy for the first time! I felt beautiful!


But yet… it was so much work! And I was always sick.


Eventually it was too much to keep up with. Especially once I added any bit of stress to the mix.


Mentally I was no longer able to handle life’s daily ins and outs.


I stopped caring about what I ate.

I stopped exercising.

I simply lost my spark.


Then the day hit – I arbitrarily decided to step on the scale.


The last time I had done that felt like a lifetime ago.


But this time… It was official.

I had gained 100 pounds!




I had reached my breaking point. Now I was determined more than ever to find a way to get healthy AND do it in a way that was easy and sustainable. Who wouldn’t want that!?


First things first - I focused on my mental health. If I didn’t have this foundation, how could I fix my body?

  • I learned how to give up anger and bitterness and reconnect with the people I love.

  • I focused on my goal setting and did it under my terms. This was my process, and I knew it had to be unique to me if I wanted to succeed.

  • I reframed my outlook on life and moved forward with positivity and excitement.


Today, I finally feel I am on the right path – the one that was meant for me.


I feel more alive and engaged.

I feel more optimistic and excited about my future.

I am ready for my best life ever!

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Image by Drew Beamer

This is where you come in...

I realized that I had taken what feels like the long, hard path. I tried diets that didn’t work, depriving myself, and forcing myself to do workouts that I hated. I wasn’t happy.


If you’re feeling the same way, I want to be here for you and help change that.


I want more joy and satisfaction for you too. I believe working together will bring just that. Sometimes you cannot do it alone. I sure as heck didn’t realize I needed support until I received it. And now I want to help support you.



Do You Want a Life-Changing Experience Too?


Book your free Discovery Session!

Come spend an hour with me and let's begin YOUR journey to finding food freedom for life!

I can see a world where women are able to embrace their worthiness, stand up for what they truly want, and finally achieve happiness and joy. A world where we all get to experience inner peace, exude confidence, and become unstoppable.

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